A selection of projects both past and present.
I’ve worked on many projects over the last couple of decades. Here are some examples. While some of the older projects are no longer online, I’ve included links to the archived versions where possible.
Bluz - Realtime Medical Staffing
A mobile app for Android and IOS to match skilled medical professionals with urgent vacant positions in realtime using geolocation and push notifications. Includes desktop software for health establishments to publish and manage urgent requirements and communicate with available professionals. I have been involved in the project since 2021 working alongside the company president Dr Vincent Nguyen.
Flutter Firebase IOS Android Web From Scratch Agile Campfire Agency Partnershipbluz.fr
Spendsnap - AI powered expense tracking
An AI powered expense tracking app for IOS and Android. The app uses custom trained machine learning models to extract data from receipts and invoices and automatically categorize and tag expenses. The app is currently in Beta testing and expected to hit the market in 2024. The app works with both Open AI and Google AI and is designed to be compatible with popular ERP software.
Flutter Firebase IOS Android Web From Scratch Agile Campfire Agency PartnershipNewday - Workplace Happiness
Mobile and desktop apps to measure and improve workplace happiness. Includes a series of research driven tests for employees to measure their happiness and a dashboard for managers to track and improve their team's equilibrium through anonymized data passed through a collection of scientifically formulated algorithms. I have been involved in the project since 2021 working alongside Dr Rudy Charlery CEO.
Flutter Firebase IOS Android Web Research Driven Campfire Agencynewday.care
TIL - Case Management Software
Web based desktop software suite for a major UK legal firm to manage their clients, cases, documents in relation to fare avoidance on the UK rail network. Includes a series of custom reports and a dashboard to track cases from start to finish. The original software was written in 2015 with PHP and MySQL and is currently being rewritten using Flutter and Firebase.
Flutter Firebase Freelance Desktop Web Agile Campfire Agencytransportinvestigations.co.uk
Bollinger - Podcast Feature
Working as part of a core team of developers and designers for an App Agency in Toulouse to create a podcast feature for the Bollinger VIP app for IOS and Android. The feature was integrated within an existing app and allowed Bollinger personnelto record and publish podcasts for their VIP customers via their CMS software (Prismic).
Flutter Firebase Prismic CMS Agency Work Agile Managementchampagne-bollinger.com/1829-app
Project.co - Project Management Software
Initially developed as an in-house project management tool in 2010 for a UK digital agency, Project.co went on to grow into a fully fledged SAAS project management tool used by thousands of companies around the world. I was responsible for the development of the software from 2015 until 2021 and saw the project grow from the first line of code to having hundred of thousands of users
Zend Framework PHP MongoDB Freelance Partly R&D Fundedproject.co
Isophro - Family Mental Health
Mobile app for IOS and Android to help parents and their children improve their mental and physical well-being through a series of exercises founded in neuropsychiatry. Includes a dashboard for parents to track their children's progress and gamification to encourage participation. I have been working directly with the company CEO and Sophrologist Sabrina Mati since 2022.
Flutter Firebase IOS Android In-App Purchases Push Notifications Campfire Agencyscholarsophro.com
Mobile app prototype for a decentralized network built on a private blockchain technology. The app allows local producers of food and drink to sell their products directly to consumers without the need for a middleman and is based on a network of small mobile blockchain nodes.
Flutter Blockchain IOS Android Freelancebfplanet.org
MVP for a mobile gaming and betting app with security features to prevent cheating, user identity validation, lobby management and realtime scoring. The project was interesting for its use of Unity3D embedded within a Flutter app to provide a realtime 3D gaming experience. The project was through a Paris based agency
Flutter Firebase Unity3D IOS Android AgencyWhathouse - UK Property Search
Web application built from scratch in 2014/2015 using Zend Framework and MongoDB to search for new build properties in the UK. Included a complex, realtime synchronisation through third party API's to import and update hundreds of thousands of properties nationwide. The work was as part of a small distributed team of developers and designers alongside the direction at Whathouse Ltd
Zend Framework MongoDB Agencywhathouse.com
Hammerson - Shopping Centre App
PHP driven intranet app for a major European chain of shopping centres to manage the day to day running of the centres. My participation in the project from 2012 to 2015 was to develop, maintain and provide technical support for the integration of Visa gift cards in the main existing application, including a standalone app written in C# to communicate with the Visa API and a handheld terminal. The project was managed by a Paris based agency.
PHP C# AgencyElemental - Resource management App
Mobile app for IOS and Android for staff at a UK resource management company to calculate the value of scrap automobiles parts based on their composition of rare and valuable materials and their weight. I built the app from scratch in 2014 using Ionic and AngularJS and a CakePHP backend which was already partially developed.
From Scratch Ionic AngularJS CakePHP MySQL FreelanceAS Solar - Solar Installation Software
The project was a web based tool to manage the entire process of installing solar panels in the public sector. The app was able to capture all onsite data and match appropriate components based on a number of factors including the size of the building, the location and the amount of sunlight. I was involved with the project over the course of several years.
From Scratch Zend Framework DojoJS MySQL FreelanceBarry Callebaut - Product Catalogue
A 2014 project to create a product catalogue for Barry Callebaut. The project was an app for business customers to place orders for custom chocolate products from the world famous cholocate manufacturer. This was a short term project alonside a Paris based design agency.
Zend Framework AngularJS AgencyLondon Olympics 2012
Working alongside Paralympic basketballer Kristina Veasey to create an interactive digital map to chart the journey of the Olympic Torch through the UK. Funded by the 2012 Olympics committee
Javascript Charity Funded FreelanceLondon-2012
UJOB - Job Search
Ujob was a popular job board in the UK from 2005 to 2015 which eventually succumbed, along with many other independant jobboards, to the popularity (and SEO) of Indeed. Ujob was a fully featured job board with a CV database, job posting and search features. It included integrations with job posting systems such as Broadbean, Conkers, Jobmate and others. I worked on the project over the course the 10 years it was online.
From Scratch Zend Framework Jquery MySQL FreelanceUjob [Archive]
Loveborough - Student Social Network
Around 2005 before Facebook has become popular in the UK I worked on several early social networks at UK universities, of which Loughborough. The project was initially a student portal for sharing messages and photos and searching for other students. The project became more oriented to events and sponsored discounts for students before eventually succumbing to the popularity of Facebook. I worked on the project for several years with an agency in Leicester, UK.
From Scratch Zend Framework Jquery MySQL AgencyBHASVIC - College Intranet
In 2011 I spent six months working on a project to create an intranet for a UK college. The project was built from scratch using Zend Framework and MySQL and included an integration with Moodle, a popular educational tool for creating homework and assignments. The project was managed by a consultancy agency in Brighton, UK.
From Scratch Zend Framework DojoJS MySQL FreelanceMuttmate - Social Network for Dogs
A fully featured social media network for dog owners to share photos and videos of their dogs. The site enjoyed a period of popularity in the 2010's and was featured in the press and radio but eventually struggled to contend with the likes of Instagram and Facebook.
Zend Framework Jquery MySQL FreelanceMuttmate [Archive]